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Version 1.7 of WallStreet ASIA is available!

January 18, 2023
We have updated WallStreet ASIA to version 1.7. We have made minor changes to the EA code. We have mainly fixed spelling errors in the messages that the EA shows during operation. Since the changes are not related to the trading logic, you do not need to update the current version you are using. You can only do this if you want to.
The new version is available in the member area for downloading.

Comments (2)

fengbo chen September 04 2023, 10:05 AM

Hello, I understand that you have several questions regarding the Wall Street Forex Robot 3.0. Here are the translated and corrected versions:
1. On the payment page, only credit card payment is available. However, I do not have a credit card. Can I use the cryptocurrency USDT for payment?
2. Is the subscription package for Wall Street Forex Robot 3.0 permanent, or is there a specific duration or time limit?
3. Does the software support the Chinese language and have no restrictions on its use for Chinese customers?

WallStreet Forex Robot Support September 04 2023, 11:38 AM

fengbo chen: Hello, I understand that you have several questions regarding the Wall Street Forex Robot 3.0. Here are the translated and corrected versions:
1. On the payment page, only credit card payment is available. However, I do not have a credit card. Can I use the cryptocurrency USDT for payment?
2. Is the subscription package for Wall Street Forex Robot 3.0 permanent, or is there a specific duration or time limit?
3. Does the software support the Chinese language and have no restrictions on its use for Chinese customers?

1. We would like to inform you that we don't accept payments with USDT currently. For more explanation please contact us directly.
2. Yes, it is permanent, it is one time payment. After the payment you receive 1 license and you can use it lifetime.
3. Unfortunately the software is available only in English version. However, we want to assure you that the usage of the software is simple and easy. There is no any restrictions from our side for any country, including Chinese customers.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us/support team directly.

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